Practicing forgiveness allows for releasing the negative energy within, so that you are not carrying it with you everywhere.
Each day you refuse to forgive, you actually decide to keep carrying all that toxic poison within you for another day.
There is an anonymous quote that says “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to drop dead!”
Forgiveness does not mean you need to call this person over for tea and pretend nothing happened.
Forgiveness is less about them, and more about you.
The wound happened, but it’s not still happening today unless we hurt ourselves with it.
This means that you also have to forgive yourself for holding onto this baggage for so long.
Forgiveness gives you the power to let the painful past go, allowing you to move on in your life.
If anyone still wonder what it FEELS like to forgive oneself, join me and I will make you experience it.